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A Leader Is A Reader

Kjell Fenn, M.Ed., M.A.
5 min read
Grade A Choice Students: Why Do We "Grade" Kids, Anyways?
Kids are more than numbers, more than GPAs, more than empirical marks. Learning cannot be judged accurately by the percentage of...

Kjell Fenn, M.Ed., M.A.
5 min read
Jimmy's a Jerk, but He Knows Algebra: The Need for Teaching Soft Skills in K-12 Schools
The need for our students to learn and apply soft skills is critical. Who cares if Jimmy knows algebra if he's a jerk?

Clint Holden, MA
3 min read
Is Handing Out Financial Aid Hurting Your Families and Your School?
Your tuition aid program was created in hopes of helping families who don’t make enough money, but is it?
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