Teachers may only think of themselves as purveyors of knowledge, disseminators of truth, and champions of learning! All very good things. But, how does a teacher’s role fit into the overall scheme of the school's mission, vision, and appeal in the community?
Teachers are the front line of every Christian school. Without them, the school is instructionally bankrupt. Additionally, without quality teachers, who view their role more broadly than the classroom, the Christian school will probably make an inconsequential impact on the greater community.
Christian school teachers are your best agents for the greater cause of Christian schooling, and administration must embrace this understanding. Your teachers are the window through which most outsiders will develop an opinion of your school.
When prospective parents visit the school, stopping by a classroom is always a good thing, of course, but it will be even better to also arrange for a teacher or two to meet and spend a few, special, planned minutes with the family.
Teachers are the heartbeat of the Christian school and they should see their position and call as vital to the marketing of the school. Yep… I said it… there it is! Teachers are your frontline marketing team for the school!
It is incumbent upon administration to remind teachers and staff regularly about the mission and vision of the school, discuss its components and hear how teachers are carrying it out, not only in the classroom but throughout the day at the school. You know they have stories and they can share what God is doing!
Inform your staff of any special new developments from the board, marketing, admissions, etc., that invariably you want them to be able to share with others as they can. This will keep the staff informed and ready to speak in general about directions of the school to those with whom they have contact, whether in the hallways, their backyard, or grocery store! No surprises! Nothing kills morale and enthusiasm faster than veiled communication and hidden agendas. Yet, it happens.
Keep your teachers well informed and don’t allow them to ever feel inadequately prepared to share with anyone the great benefits of your school, which is their school, as well.
Teachers don’t just teach kids. They teach. They tell. They share truth. Teachers are your best customer service agents, bar none.
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